We are able to treat a wide variety of possible causes of neck pain. Some of the most common examples include:
It would be our pleasure to use regenerative medicine techniques to help you recover from neck pain. We have several treatment options that we can use to help you recover from neck pain and restore damaged tissue.
There are several regenerative medicine treatment techniques that we can use to treat neck pain. We will conduct a complete examination and make recommendations based on what we find. It is our goal to use a well-rounded treatment plan filled with numerous techniques to help you restore damaged tissues in your neck. They include:
Mesenchymal stem cell therapy is one of the most common treatments that we use. Mesenchymal stem cells have not yet differentiated into specific types of tissues. When we use mesenchymal stem cell therapy for neck pain, we use mesenchymal stem cells that can differentiate into the exact type of tissue that has been damaged. That way, when they differentiate, they turn into the exact type of tissue you need, restoring native tissue that may have been lost.
We also use a novel treatment called Connective Treatment Matrix. This is a specific treatment option that we use to augment missing or damaged tissue. When your body's tissues are damaged, they are usually replaced using scar tissue. Even though this is better than nothing, it is not as good as native tissue.
We can use Connective Tissue Matrix to restore damage to tissue, improving its functionality and strength. This makes it exceptional at helping you restore lost mobility, functionality, and range of motion. Rely on our team to help you restore damaged tissues.
You might have a difficult time driving, reading a book, or cooking in the kitchen. We understand that you might feel like you need prescription medications or surgery, but this is not always the case.
We use regenerative medicine techniques to help you restore lost or damaged tissue. We will work with you personally, customizing your treatment plan to meet your needs. All of our professionals are certified, and they can use their training and experience to help you recover from neck pain.
At Houston Spine & Regenerative Medicine, we offer neck pain treatment in the Woodlands and Houston, and we can help you recover from a wide variety of conditions. If you are ready to recover from neck pain while minimizing complications and side effects, contact us today to make an appointment.