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Wrist Pain

Wrist Pain Treatment in The Woodlands and Houston

Before our doctors get to work helping you recover from wrist pain, the first thing our doctors need to do is to identify why your wrist is in pain. Our doctors have seen a number of possible causes of wrist pain, and we can use our treatment options to help you recover.
Physical therapist checks the patient wrist by pressing the wrist bone in clinic room.

Some of the most common causes of wrist pain we have seen include:

  • Arthritis of the Wrist: Arthritis is a chronic medical condition that causes the cartilage between the bony surfaces of your joints to degrade. You have several small joints in your wrist, and if you develop arthritis, the cartilage between them may have started to deteriorate. This can lead to wrist pain, but we can use regenerative medicine treatments to help you.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome leads to inflammation in the wrist that can pinch the median nerve. This can cause shooting pains to travel down your arm into your hand. We can use regenerative medicine to alleviate this inflammation and allow the median nerve to function properly. 
Illustration of Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Wrist Sprain: A wrist sprain takes place when you damage the ligaments of the wrist. Ligaments are responsible for conducting your bones together. If you have sprained your wrist, it may feel a bit stiff and sore. We can use regenerative medicine treatment options to help you recover from a wrist sprain. 
  • Tendon Strain: You might have also strained one or more of the tendons in your wrist. Your tendons are responsible for conducting your muscles to your bone. If you stretch your muscle fibers too far, you could strain them. We can use regenerative medicine treatments to restore the tendons in your wrist and help them heal properly. 

These are just a few of the many possible reasons why you might be suffering from wrist pain. At Houston Spine and Regenerative Medicine, our doctors will do a complete physical examination to figure out why your wrist is bothering you. Then, we will review your treatment options with you.

Regenerative Treatment for Wrist Pain

At Houston Spine and Regenerative Medicine, our goal is to help you recover from wrist pain as quickly and as comprehensively as possible. That is why we offer several regenerative medicine treatment options. They include:

Stem Cell Therapy (Mesenchymal)

If you are looking for mesenchymal stem cell therapy for wrist pain, we can help you with that. Mesenchymal stem cells are critical because they have not yet differentiated into their final tissue form. Mesenchymal stem cells can become muscle fibers, tendons, ligaments, or cartilage. 

Illustration of Stem cell therapy

We can use mesenchymal stem cell injections to help you replace damaged or missing native tissue. For example, if you are missing cartilage in your wrist, we can use mesenchymal stem cells to replace that cartilage, restoring that tissue to its original form. This is much better for scar tissue because it gives you a more complete recovery.

Connective Tissue Matrix

Another treatment option our doctors use is called Connective Tissue Matrix. This is a treatment option that provides an injured body part with an extracellular matrix, which provides additional support to damaged tissue as it recovers. This is a powerful treatment option that has already been used to heal muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. We can use it to help you recover from wrist pain as well. 

By allowing your body to do what it does naturally, we can help you recover from wrist pain while also limiting possible complications and side effects.

Regenerative Medicine for Wrist Pain

If you are looking for experts who can help you recover from wrist pain while also minimizing possible side effects and complications, count on us to help you. We are Houston Spine and Regenerative Medicine, and we provide wrist pain treatment in The Woodlands and Houston. 

It would be our pleasure to review your treatment options with you, and we will customize them to meet your needs. We know that every patient has a slightly different set of symptoms and is coming from a slightly different background. That is why we use different treatment plans for every patient. Contact us today to make an appointment, and let us help you with wrist pain.

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Call Houston Spine and Regenerative Medicine Today!

A member of our team is always available, and we will customize our treatment options to meet your needs. We always answer your questions and concerns before we get started, and we use these treatment options to limit complications and side effects.

If you are ready to restore damaged or missing tissue, give us a call today to make an appointment. We look forward to working with you.
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We provide regenerative medicine in Greater Houston. If you are looking for regenerative medicine in the Woodlands and Houston, we can help you. We are a multidisciplinary practice that specializes in rehabilitation and pain relief. We give you access to some of the top physicians in the local area, and we are proud to be led by top doctors in Texas.
Contact Us
3101 College Park Dr. Suite A, The Woodlands, TX 77384
2202 La Branch Street Suite A, Houston, TX 77002
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